Why Is My Toddler So Clingy?

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Why Is My Toddler So Clingy?

2024-04-12 18:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

In This Article What is toddler clinginess? Signs of a clingy toddler Why are some toddlers clingy? Tips for handling toddler clinginess When does toddler clinginess end?

Got a clingy toddler who insists on being held all the time? Sure, a 3-year-old who's clingy is sometimes adorable, like when you're reading stories on the couch or snuggling before bed.

But when that warm embrace starts to feel like a giant barnacle attached to your hip — and no amount of coaxing can release it — you may be dealing with something more. 

Keep in mind that some clinginess is very normal in toddlers. (You’re her favorite person after all!) But when you can't get anything done because your hands are full holding your tot frequently, it’s time to figure out what's behind it.

To help, here's why a toddler wants to be held all the time and how to handle toddler clinginess at home and on the road.

What is toddler clinginess?

Toddler clinginess can consist of repeated pleas ("Up!") and a suction-cup-like grip to a parent's side (or leg). It tends to start around age 1 (give or take) and extend through the toddler years.

Toddler clinginess goes beyond the expected "Carry me!" when your tot is tuckered out. In fact, it may seem as if your newly minted walker is now refusing to use her own two feet, period. 

Signs of a clingy toddler

Here are some signs you might have a clingy child on your hands:

Wanting to be held or carried frequently. Beyond just a hello hug, a clingy toddler will grasp you tightly, refusing to be put down or walk on her own.Crying when put down. The tears your child sheds are a common reaction to being separated from you for any length of time, whether your toddler is left with the sitter, at preschool ... or even in the crib while you go to another room.Throwing frequent tantrums. Refusing to budge from the circle of your arms (and making a big fuss about it) could be another sign that you’ve got an extra clingy toddler.Checking for your presence. Is your tot reluctant to join the other kids in the sandbox or always checking to see if you’re watching? Your little one could be shy and a clinger too.Resisting bedtime. Fighting you at tuck-in is a setback that could relate to clinginess.Why are some toddlers clingy?

There are a number of reasons your toddler may cling to you with desperation (and want to be held or carried all the time), including:

Continue Reading Below Read This Next Toddler Temper Tantrums Toddler Screaming Highly Sensitive Child Toddler Temper Tantrums Toddler Screaming Highly Sensitive Child Toddler regression. It’s hard work being a big kid. Your toddler may feel overwhelmed, and wanting to be carried may be a way of straddling two worlds, that of an independent toddler and the baby she used to be.Big life changes. The birth of a sibling, a move to a new home, a shift in child care and other milestones can sometimes trigger toddler regression — and subsequent clingness. Missing you. Whether your tot was with the sitter for a while or at playgroup while you worked, a tight hold on your neck is a natural response to being apart from you.Hunger or fatigue. A change in your toddler’s bedtime routine, a dropped nap from the schedule, or a delayed meal can all conspire to cause extra clinging.Illness or pain. A cold, fever, sore throat or even teething (thanks to the eruption of those 2- and 3-year molars) are also possible reasons for this behavior.Confusion or fear. Your tot’s language is exploding, but not everything makes sense. If your little one holds tight, something on TV or in a story may have frightened her, and your presence is calming.Tips for handling toddler clinginess

As with many developmental bumps in the road, it helps to approach toddler clinginess with a good dose of patience. Try these smart tips, tricks and techniques for handling "carry me" syndrome:

Distract — and distract again. Make walking fun by playing games, pointing out interesting sights ("Look at that squirrel carrying a nut!") or singing songs as you go.Reassure. It’s important to show empathy as much as you can during this stage. Tell your tot that you understand those scared, worried feelings and clinginess and get why she wants to be held.Make your toddler feel important. Ask your tot to be your assistant at the store (to carry the shopping list or hold a bag, for example). You can also let your little one bring a backpack or other bag, like a big kid.Make eye contact. Sometimes pint-size people get frustrated with walking because all they see are knees and feet. Try to bend down to your toddler's level often to say hi or offer a hug.Praise walking. When your toddler does walk part of the way to the park, give her a high-five. A sticker chart might also work, with a gold star for each time she ventures ahead of you.Don't rush. Keep in mind that your toddler takes a lot more time to walk the same distance as you do (those legs are much shorter and smaller, after all). Children this age also get tired a lot more quickly, so keep outings on foot brief and have a back-up plan ready, like a lightweight umbrella stroller or some stops at benches to sit down.Create new opportunities. If your shy toddler constantly clings during playdates or at preschool drop-off, set up a few chances for you to hang out with new people together. You can also try modeling social behavior with other adults and encourage playing nicely and sharing, so that your child's confidence and security grow. By meeting other toddlers, your little one will likely feel more comfortable (and less clingy) in different settings.Move away slowly. After putting your toddler down, stand nearby for a while to alleviate some of the separation anxiety. Then gradually inch away so your tot can play independently. Skip the scolding. Don't call your child a baby if she ends up in the stroller or your arms. Making your toddler feel bad won’t ease separation anxiety or nix a case of regression. Remind yourself that this is a natural part of growing up, and your little one needs support and encouragement to feel safe and confident in the world. When does toddler clinginess end?

There’s no hard-and-fast rule or magic age when toddler clinginess ends and you can stop carrying and holding your child once and for all.

That said, most kids become a bit unwieldy between ages 2 and 4, making it difficult to tote them for long stretches of time. A bigger tot could strain your back if you carry your child for hours, so keep a stroller handy on long outings in case your toddler goes on a walking strike.

Clinginess is a stage, like many your child will go through. Eventually, your little one will outgrow this temporary phase, and realize she can get places just as fast on those cute little feet.

Until then, keep a cool head and know that once your tot finally decides to explore the world independently, you might just miss the way she used to cling to you so fiercely.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

View SourcesWhat to Expect the Second Year, Heidi Murkoff.WhatToExpect.com, What Is Sleep Regression?, January 2022.WhatToExpect.com, Is Your Toddler Teething?, July 2022.WhatToExpect.com, Toddler Regression, June 2022.WhatToExpect.com, Toddler Temper Tantrums, April 2022.WhatToExpect.com, Separation Anxiety in Toddlers, August 2022.WhatToExpect.com, How to Help a Shy Toddler, May 2022.WhatToExpect.com, What to Do When Your Toddler Won't Sleep, April 2022.American Academy of Pediatrics, How to Ease Your Child’s Separation Anxiety, July 2021.Cleveland Clinic, Well-Baby Care Visits & Developmental Milestones (Age 0 to 12m), November 2021.Mayo Clinic, Separation Anxiety Disorder, August 2021.Updates history

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